April, 2021

Induced draft cooling tower refurbishment at power station

Induced draft cooling tower refurbishment at power station

AS Cooling Technologies India was awarded back-back contracts by Adani Power Maharashtra to supply and install high efficiency and low fouling Offset cooling fills for forty (40) cells of a large Induced Draft Cooling Tower at their existing Power Station in the Western part of India.

Due to persistent fouling issues in the existing fills and reduced thermal efficiency of the cooling towers, the client decided to replace the existing film fills in all cooling towers, in a phased manner, with a high efficiency & low fouling heat transfer media, in order to improve cooling performance and overall plant efficiency.

AS Cooling Technologies India Pvt Ltd (ASCTI) suggested the use of Offset fills, which has a low fouling capability and high thermal efficiency combined with Polypropylene (PP) technology to offer better rigidity and long life compared to Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) fills. The use of PP fills also helped the client to use it as a walkway for accessing and maintaining the water distribution system which was otherwise impossible with PVC type fills.

ASCTI used a unique automatic welding technology for assembly of fill sheets, a first of its kind in India and by far the more advanced and superior connection technology available till date. This method produced highly stable and robust fill packs compared to any other means of assembly technology.

Initially the order was placed for refurbishment of cooling fills in twenty (20) cells and after satisfactory performance of the executed contract, the client awarded a similar project comprising of additional twenty (20) cells, thus making a total of forty (40) cells for supply & installation of Offset type film fills in PP. The client was extremely satisfied with the product and preferred to have only PP fills for all future fill upgrades.

Despite the pandemic, the projects were successfully completed on time, with zero-incidents, and much to the appreciation of the client.

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